Source code for timewave.producers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# timewave
# --------
# timewave, a stochastic process evolution simulation engine in python.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.6, copyright Wednesday, 18 September 2019
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

module containing brownian motion model related classes
from json import loads

from .engine import Producer

# classical producer

[docs]class MultiProducer(Producer): def __init__(self, *producers): """ initializer :param list(Producer) or produces: list of producers to be used one after another """ super(MultiProducer, self).__init__() #: list(Producer): list of consumers to be used one after another self.producers = list() for p in producers: if isinstance(p, (tuple, list)): self.producers.extend(p) else: self.producers.append(p) for p in self.producers: if isinstance(p, (tuple, list)): for pp in p: if not isinstance(pp, Producer): _ = (self.__class__.__name__, pp.__class__.__name__) msg = "%s input must be of type Producer not %s." % _ raise ValueError(msg) else: if not isinstance(p, Producer): _ = (self.__class__.__name__, p.__class__.__name__) msg = "%s input must be of type Producer not %s." % _ raise ValueError(msg) self.initial_state = [p.initial_state for p in self.producers]
[docs] def initialize(self, grid, num_of_paths, seed): """ inits producer for a simulation run """ for p in self.producers: p.initialize(grid, num_of_paths, seed) self.grid = grid self.num_of_paths = num_of_paths self.seed = seed
# = grid[0]
[docs] def initialize_worker(self, process_num=None): """ inits producer for a simulation run on a single process """ for p in self.producers: p.initialize_worker(process_num) # self.initial_state.process = process_num self.random.seed(hash(self.seed) + hash(process_num))
[docs] def initialize_path(self, path_num=None): """ inits producer for next path, i.e. sets current state to initial state""" for p in self.producers: p.initialize_path(path_num) # self.state = copy(self.initial_state) # self.state.path = path_num self.random.seed(hash(self.seed) + hash(path_num))
[docs] def evolve(self, new_date): """ evolve to the new process state at the next date, i.e. do one step in the simulation :param date new_date: date of the new state :return State: """ self.state = [p.evolve(new_date) for p in self.producers] return self.state
[docs]class DeterministicProducer(Producer): def __init__(self, sample_list, func=None, initial_state=None): func = (lambda s, i: sample_list[s.path][i]) super(DeterministicProducer, self).__init__(func, initial_state) self.grid = list(range(len(sample_list[0]))) self.num_of_paths = len(sample_list)
[docs] def evolve(self, new_date): return super(DeterministicProducer, self).evolve(self.grid.index(new_date))
[docs]class StringReaderProducer(DeterministicProducer): def __init__(self, data_str, str_decoder=None): if str_decoder is None: str_decoder = loads data = str_decoder(data_str) super(StringReaderProducer, self).__init__(data)