Source code for timewave.stochasticproducer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# timewave
# --------
# timewave, a stochastic process evolution simulation engine in python.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.6, copyright Wednesday, 18 September 2019
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

module containing stochastic process model producer

from math import sqrt

from scipy.linalg import cholesky

from .engine import Producer, State
from .producers import MultiProducer

from .indexedmatrix import IndexMatrix

# producer

[docs]class GaussEvolutionFunctionProducer(Producer): """ class implementing general Gauss process between grid dates """ def __init__(self, func=None, initial_state=None, length=None): """ :param callable func: evolve function, e.g. `lambda x, s, e, q: x + sqrt(e - s) * q` by default with `x` current state value, `s` current point in time, i.e. start point of next evolution step, `e` next point in time, i.e. end point of evolution step, `q` standard normal random number to do step :param initial_state: initial state (value) of evolution, :param int or None length: length of `q` as a list of Gauss random numbers, if `None` or `0` the evolution function `func` will be invoked with `q` not as a list but a float random number. class implementing general Gauss process between grid dates and provides state to any evolve style function `foo(x, s, e, q)` with `x` last state, `s` last state time, `e` current point in time and `q` current Gauss process state """ if func is None: func = (lambda x, s, e, q: x + sqrt(e - s) * q) self._len = length super(GaussEvolutionFunctionProducer, self).__init__(func, initial_state) def __len__(self): return 0 if self._len is None else self._len
[docs] def evolve(self, new_date): """ evolve to the new process state at the next date :param date new_date: date or point in time of the new state :return State: """ if == new_date and not == new_date: return self.state if self._len: q = [self.random.gauss(0., 1.) for _ in range(int(self._len))] else: q = self.random.gauss(0., 1.) self.state.value = self.func(self.state.value,, new_date, q) = new_date return self.state
[docs]class GaussEvolutionProducer(GaussEvolutionFunctionProducer): """ producer to bring diffusion process to life """ def __init__(self, process): """ :param StochasticProcess process: diffusion process to evolve """ self.process = process self.diffusion_driver = process.diffusion_driver length = len(process) if len(process) > 1 else None super(GaussEvolutionProducer, self).__init__(process.evolve, State(process.start), length)
class _FakeGaussRandom(list): def seed(self, *args): pass def gauss(self, *args): return self.pop(0)
[docs]class CorrelatedGaussEvolutionProducer(MultiProducer): """ class implementing general correlated Gauss process between grid dates """ def __init__(self, producers, correlation=None, diffusion_driver=None): """ :param list(GaussEvolutionProducer) producers: list of producers to evolve :param list(list(float)) or dict((StochasticProcess, StochasticProcess): float) or None correlation: correlation matrix of underlying multivariate Gauss process of diffusion drivers. If `dict` keys must be pairs of diffusion drivers, diagonal and zero entries can be omitted. If not give, all drivers evolve independently. :param list(StochasticProcess) or None diffusion_driver: list of diffusion drivers indexing the correlation matrix. If not given and `correlation` is not an IndexMatrix, e.g. comes already with list of drivers, it is assumed that each process producer has different drivers and the correlation is order in the same way. """ # faking random().gauss() for p in producers: p.random = _FakeGaussRandom() super(CorrelatedGaussEvolutionProducer, self).__init__(producers) # build correlation from sparse matrix (dict) if isinstance(correlation, dict): if diffusion_driver is not None: raise ValueError("") # collect all drives in correlation drivers = set() for i, j in list(correlation.keys()): drivers.add(i) drivers.add(j) drivers = tuple(drivers) list_correlation = [[0.0] * len(drivers) for _ in drivers] for i in range(len(list_correlation)): list_correlation[i][i] = 1. # fill sparse correlation matrix for rf_1 in drivers: for rf_2 in drivers: if (rf_1, rf_2) in correlation: if (rf_2, rf_1) in correlation: if not correlation[rf_1, rf_2] == correlation[rf_2, rf_1]: _ = rf_1, rf_2 raise ValueError("Correlation data must be symmetric. Input at [%d, %d] is not." % _) i, j = drivers.index(rf_1), drivers.index(rf_2) list_correlation[i][j] = correlation[rf_1, rf_2] list_correlation[j][i] = correlation[rf_1, rf_2] correlation = list_correlation diffusion_driver = drivers self._correlation = correlation # build valid driver list (according correlation and producers) if correlation and not diffusion_driver: # no given diffusion_drivers nor keys in correlation drivers = list() for p in producers: for d in p.diffusion_driver: if d not in drivers: drivers.append(d) diffusion_driver = tuple(drivers) # require enough correlation because here we cannot decide which drivers # should be independent or omitted if not len(diffusion_driver) == len(correlation): raise AssertionError("Correlation dimension must meet number of diffusion drivers.") self._diffusion_driver = () if diffusion_driver is None else diffusion_driver # build index lists for each producers diffusion drivers self._driver_index = dict.fromkeys(producers, []) for p in producers: dd = [d for d in self._diffusion_driver if d in p.diffusion_driver] self._driver_index[p] = [diffusion_driver.index(d) for d in dd] # build cholesky self._cholesky = cholesky(correlation).T if correlation else None def __len__(self): l = 0 for p in self.producers: l += 1 if len(p) == 0 else len(p) return l
[docs] def evolve(self, new_date): """ evolve to the new process state at the next date :param date new_date: date or point in time of the new state :return State: """ if all( == new_date for p in self.producers): return [p.state for p in self.producers] if self._cholesky is not None: q = [self.random.gauss(0., 1.) for _ in range(len(self._cholesky))] q = list( else: q = list() state = list() for p in self.producers: if len(self._driver_index[p]) == len(p.diffusion_driver): qq = [q[i] for i in self._driver_index[p]] elif len(self._driver_index[p]) < len(p.diffusion_driver): qq = list() for d in p.diffusion_driver: qqq = q[self._diffusion_driver.index(d)] if d in self._diffusion_driver else self.random.gauss(0., 1.) qq.append(qqq) else: qq = [self.random.gauss(0., 1.) for _ in p.diffusion_driver] p.random.extend(qq) state.append(p.evolve(new_date)) return state
[docs]class MultiGaussEvolutionProducer(CorrelatedGaussEvolutionProducer): """ class implementing multi variant GaussEvolutionProducer """ def __init__(self, process_list, correlation=None, diffusion_driver=None): producers = [GaussEvolutionProducer(p) for p in process_list] super(MultiGaussEvolutionProducer, self).__init__(producers, correlation, diffusion_driver)